Tuesday, September 06, 2005

number 2

i was thinking last night about how often people put posts on these things, and to what extent that relates to how bored you are. it's a confusing thing, i see two possibilities:

a) you make lots of posts as you are living an exciting life, doing lots of outrageous stuff, and with your multitude of friends across the globe you just have to spend the early hours after you've got in from your party, outing or get together putting your experiences on the web just so that your faithful blog following won't be left out of the loop

b) you have no friends, you have no fun times, you spend many hours inside your head, which culminates in the fantastic invention of poems, bizarre scenarios, and top ten lists of films, books, times you've been scared but don't know why etc. the day is spent waiting for that golden moment in time between about 9 and 10.30pm when your friends in far off places are finishing their fun days and are signing into msn, once they've logged off at around midnight, you settle down to work, unfolding your thoughts and trying to pass them off as something that may amuse and inspire people

this doesn't really answer my question... how long is a cool amount of time between leaving posts? please leave comments with suggestions as i'm new to this as i don't want to cross the line from "free thinking chap with a need to keep people in the know on my thoughts" and "sad nerd"

which of the two scenarios above is me? im afraid at the moment it is b.

anyway this is not the reason i came on here this morning

this is a time of celebration... why? (i'm suddenly aware i've got a lot of these types of sentences already)... because i have stumbled across proof that my eccentric description of the internet that i made last night, check out the following animation:

microsoft molemen

also look at the radiohead "creep" video (thanks to chris turnpenny and hsi blog for directing me there)

chris if you're out there... i've enjoyed reading your blog, i miss talking to you so much it hurts sometimes, and i'm looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks

i've also noticed that people have little descriptions of themselves on these things, i'm yet to decide whether or not to do one of these, along with hobbies, interests and favourite foods/colours/game in taekeshi's castle etc. the alternative is that i don't and you can pick little bits out of these posts and construct an intricately complex character profile of me

with regards to my earlier comments about my personality blogging scenario if you know me you'll know that i have a fairly cinical, fairly sarcastic sense of humour and will realise that i'm not manicly depressed or lonely or anything like that so do not worry

i think i've written too much now (how much is too much? again post comments) so i'm going to wrap it up now, by the way i heard a really good sermon at church on sunday (given by andy upton at knighton efc) about worrying, we are a people of too many worries, if you're worrying too much check out the latter parts of matthew 6 (verses 25-34), if you don't have a bible look at the following link and ask me about it and i'll do my best to let you know what its all about:

matthew 6 (new living translation)

(i hope these links work)

that'll do for now


Blogger Daniel Hames said...

Dave, you're a born blogger. This is good stuff!

Posting everyday is acceptable, so long as there is evidence of your life outside of the computer. Posting twice in one day is acceptable so long as there is photographic evidence of said outside life.

Length-wise, you can write quite a bit and people will still read. But quick ones now and again do go down well.

1:27 pm  

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